
How an EOR can help you to expand to Portugal

Introduction to Employer of Record

Expanding your business to a new country can be a complex and daunting task, particularly when it comes to managing local employment laws and regulations. This is where an EOR (Employer of Record) can help. An EOR acts as an employer on your behalf, taking care of payroll, tax compliance, and HR tasks while you focus on growing your business. In this blog post, we’ll explore how an EOR can help you expand your business to Portugal.

Expanding your business to Portugal: How works an EOR?

An EOR, or Employer of Record, provides companies with an efficient way to expand their business operations to Portugal. With an EOR, companies can hire employees in Portugal without having to establish a legal entity in the country.

The EOR takes on the responsibilities of an employer, including registering the employee for social security and tax purposes, handling payroll and benefits, and ensuring compliance with local labor laws and regulations. This allows the company to focus on their core business functions while the EOR takes care of the administrative tasks.

The EOR will also manage any legal disputes that may arise, such as wrongful termination claims or labor disputes, and handle any necessary documentation and reporting to local authorities.

In short, the EOR acts as the legal employer of the workers, while the company retains control over the work and daily activities of the employees. This model offers companies a flexible and cost-effective way to expand into Portugal without the time and expense of setting up a local legal entity.

Overall, the process of working with an EOR in Portugal is relatively straightforward. Once an agreement is in place, the EOR will handle the legal and administrative details, allowing the company to focus on building their business in Portugal.

What benefits are in recruiting in Portugal?

Portugal is an attractive location for businesses looking to expand due to its strategic location, stable economy, and favorable tax regime. The country’s workforce is well-educated and highly skilled, making it an ideal location for companies operating in industries such as technology, manufacturing, and finance. Portugal also offers a favorable business environment, with a low cost of living and a supportive government that is actively encouraging foreign investment.

Differences between a PEO and an EOR

PEO (Professional Employer Organization) and EOR (Employer of Record) are both used by companies to manage employees in foreign countries, but they differ in several important ways.

  1. Employment relationship: One of the main differences between PEO and EOR is the employment relationship. With a PEO, the employee is co-employed by the PEO and the company, while with an EOR, the employee is solely employed by the EOR.
  2. Legal structure: Another key difference is the legal structure. A PEO is typically a separate legal entity that co-employs workers with the company. An EOR, on the other hand, acts as a legal employer of the workers, taking on all the legal and financial obligations of the employer.
  3. Administrative tasks: Both PEO and EOR can handle administrative tasks such as payroll, benefits, and compliance, but the level of involvement varies. With a PEO, the company retains more control over the daily activities and work of the employees. With an EOR, the employer is responsible for managing the work and daily activities of the employees, while the EOR takes care of the legal and administrative tasks.
  4. Geographic reach: PEOs tend to operate domestically, while EORs can operate internationally. An EOR can help companies expand their business operations to foreign countries without having to establish a legal entity in that country, while a PEO can only manage employees in countries where they are established.
  5. Risks and liabilities: With a PEO, the company and the PEO share the risk and liability associated with employment, while with an EOR, the EOR assumes all the risk and liability. This can provide greater legal protection for the company, especially when expanding into a new foreign market.

In summary, while both PEO and EOR offer similar services for managing employees, the employment relationship, legal structure, administrative tasks, geographic reach, and risks and liabilities differ between the two models. Companies should carefully consider their needs and goals when deciding between a PEO and an EOR for managing their employees in foreign countries.

Why use an EOR instead of a PEO?

When expanding your business to Portugal, an EOR can provide several advantages over a PEO. An EOR takes full responsibility for all HR tasks, which means that you can focus on your business operations and growth while the EOR handles all of the administrative tasks. Additionally, because an EOR assumes full employer responsibility, they can be more effective in managing employee issues or grievances, which can be particularly important in a foreign country where employees may have different cultural norms or expectations.

Another advantage of using an EOR in Portugal is that they can help you remain compliant with local employment laws and regulations. This can be particularly challenging for businesses operating in a foreign country, as they may not be familiar with local laws and regulations. By partnering with an EOR, you can leverage their expertise to ensure that you remain compliant with Portuguese employment laws, minimizing the risk of penalties or legal disputes.


Expanding your business to Portugal can be a significant opportunity for growth, but it’s important to navigate the complexities of local employment laws and regulations. By partnering with an EOR, you can simplify the process and focus on growing your business.

An EOR provider can help you navigate local laws and regulations, take care of payroll processing and HR tasks, and ensure compliance with Portuguese employment laws. Ultimately, by partnering with an EOR, you can minimize risk, maximize efficiency, and take advantage of the opportunities presented by the Portuguese market.

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